Article in line………
Any major decision has to be written first, before that it cannot call for greatness, it need not ,be a great article by all index measures all literate and well read people use
Some people try to look for the quality of words, the more unusual the words used, the more satisfaction they derive, while some look for the complexity of the sentences.
Still others can be found digging for the meaning hidden in between the sentences, hence the term ‘reading between the lines’ (it is all together another matter that the writer had written very innocently)
while still others look for the depth of the knowledge conveyed in fewer and fewer words.
‘deconstruction’ is the term they use to un-accept literature easily and tear down the paragraph written into bits and pieces and find the original intention (bet it was some information to the author too..)behind the work…
Our Hindi poetic literature owes a great deal to ‘deconstruction’ technique to help us understand the meaning with the ‘vyakhya’ (explanation) of the poems we have read in school along with some of the poets still un-gobbled by ‘yama’ ( common ! it’s a fact of ‘death’, it spares no one , so why take offence ? !)
All these indices are beyond doubt unquestionable in their validity and many a great article has been written and judged on the basis of these parameters. In fact (and in practice), it is foolish to even raise your little finger against the unsaid and unwritten, but very much evident norms, in front of say, the British society for literature and science … after all,is it worth staking your life for this insignificant cause ?... secondly ( and primarily) , we are dust particles and no-body would listen to us..
But I feel whether, as complex as salman rushdie’s or as simple as Ruskin bond’s , as so overwhelming as orhan pamuk’s or categorical as APJ kalam, what makes an article great is that it comes across as sudden and straight.. it falls into your hands as if it was an unexpected gift,it seamlessly flows like oil and then suddenly is so straight and clear towards end…
( hope i made some sense)