in recent past, there has not been any issue which was significant enough to last my attention for more than one day. ephemeral. and mundane.ignore the grammar for some time please.
the stories of economic revival and RBI's exit policies and possible interest rate hikes..i thought i had some thing finally to avoid atrophy . it seemed to me as if i would do some research and come up with some magical relation between oil prices, inflation and interest rates and promisingly deliver the new whole sale price index ( WPI) as requested by Mr. Montek
but my interest got murdered.. u know the reason .. the media always overdoes it. day after day same opinion put in different words..garfield is wiser than us all.. the fat cat is lazy and indifferent by choice , not by nature.
overdoing is not only in media, but in every realm.. telecom got killed and Auto sector is too going the telecom way. poor suppliers are going to starve and those working in supply chain will become more inhuman in their negotiations with vendors
we also overdo happiness and other emotions. for example one day Ms Y ( 'Ms'-to maintain gender non-bias as taught in business communication classes in MBA and 'Y 'for Y chromosomes)goes out with friend watches a movie, eats,drinks etc.. now she feels she is happy. next day also she goes out to a different place. but third day is a quite day. She ignores it as some sort of aberration. But 4th day she feels she is not having fun, so she thinks more about having fun and in turn becomes more and more bored. Finally she decides she is not happy. the marginal utility theory. now i know i am completely lost at this point. not in life - only in this article.
ok. then if we apply marginal utility theory every emotion should work for us. Jealously, lust, hatred all are good for us till some point. and anger? its a god's gift really !! its my works wonders only that overdoing anything is bad.