a visit to kumaon- I

Jim Corbett wrote world's one of the most famous books ' the man-eaters of kumaon' and made himself immortal.the corbett national park was named in his honour in 1957.
( by the way i am talking of India)
a month ago i paid a visit to ranikhet and almora amidst a hectic schedule , which i suddenly renounced for greater and higher reasons. i managed to complete an assignment of treasury management and gave it for submission and left all other work to catch a train at midnight from ghaziabad station. thus its a personal account of how i felt and may not interest you at all.a more specific blog regarding the trip can be http://exploreindiaa.blogspot.com/2010/02/kumaon-explored.html. but i thought this was my blog so..

the month of February

February is a small month, it is also perceived shorter than the actual 28/29 days it has. and no great birthday or anything good happens in this month. not surprisingly , people show least liking to it and they are right.
except the fact that some people try to be crazy as the 14 th day of this month nears.. they call it rose day or valentine's day. its another matter that no love sick soul tries to browse and find out who valentine was.if they were so curious about that they wouldn't be celebrating valentine's day at all ( there are many possibilities..read the Wikipedia please ). i got a message today , i.e on 9th feb from a friend wishing me happy chocolate day !?..another futile effort to cheer up the damned month.the weather in India is undecided and deceptive. the winter returns after everybody is misled that summer has arrived..the author is one of the countless victims who got a sore throat, headache and fever and paid the price for being not clever and cautious. to add to the disgust is the downpour yesterday, the sort that could beat the best rainy day of the rainy season here in delhi ( the annual rainfall here is anyway a joke, 56cm just).No company is interested in preparing its final accounts , no individual wants to prepare his tax returns.march 31 is too far for this kind of job.the sales people are gasping for breath to complete their year end targets and curse the short duration of this month. the stock markets also do not find direction as does the wind in the doldrums.
Maha shivratri is the saving grace during this time, that too for hindus..
i am yet to find someone telling good things about this time of the year..