Gift as perceived or understood is not always a substance of material value, or not always even any gesture or deed which brings emotional benefit to others. Gift is simply something for which nothing is expected in return from others and at the same time it brings benefit to others through conscious action.
Thus any information which is knowingly given can qualify as a gift as that information can straightaway increase the knowledge of the recipient.It is noteworthy that these are often the most valuables of the gifts. A candid expression of a person like a confession of a murderer in the church is a gift to the priest who listens quietly . It helps in his learning on how and why the person on the other side of the wall turned to crime, and committed sins, on the situations and circumstances which led him to this path, on his failures to resist the temptations life offered and so on.
To borrow a thought from an animation movie , our mind is like water, when its agitated or polluted with unnecessary things, thoughts and emotions it becomes difficult to see, to 'get into our own minds'. But when we allow the water to settle, the answer becomes clear. To settle our mind means to reach the state of pure void and calm in our mind. For this , we have to remove our unwanted superficial thoughts and emotions like agitations, excitements , happiness, laughter, sorrow, one by one just like you peel away the skin to reach to the fruit. As we do this, we begin to realize that for the sake of one intense state of void, we cannot keep any 'necessary thoughts ' in the vicinity of our mind and that all thoughts are unnecessary.We then reach where we feel something that is akin to sitting in a bullet train trip of thoughts comprising of long past events and people to reach one idea that we want . That core state exists for a very short period of may lead us to think in different directions. Sometimes it may make us weak, sentimental, or sometimes it may be so inspiring as being a Toruk Makto of the Avatar movie where the protagonist took himself to a whole new level.