what to write when you dont feel like writing

Should you do that? The author here has absolutely no intention to craft his message, there is not enough motivation to make his piece read or himself heard.
it is to be noted straightaway that the writer maintains all the discipline of treating people with respect and thus will nevertheless complete this one too, as he has to respect himself.
First things first. The first sentence is nothing but crap. There is no such meaning as 'should'. Secondly, the author like everyone else is not in a position to ask the question or tell its answer.
The truth is i am just beginning to write. But the problem is here you cannot post your innermost thoughts, you need to guise yourself well for a psychoanalyst can read your thoughts if u are not guarded enough, and I for sure wouldn't want to lose to someone, against my will,that is.( i know whatever is written is judged in this world, so is this one ! ).
Most write-ups express stories, opinions, frustrations, jubilations, comic situations, the list here is not exhaustive but then the point has been made.
Now when every opinion has been classified, what do you get? You get boredom. Now some reader may think, this poor writer needs to get a life, come out of his shell, and find happiness, and be cheerful, for life is meaningless if we don't live with hope, cheer etc.They are right to some extent.
Not that i am bored or lifeless !
but experiment has been a way of life, inductive reasoning has been though which man-kind has been able to increase his knowledge and intelligence.I sometimes would try to do something that which forces me to do another thing for which i wasn't prepared to think before.

bug u and myself with some other stray thoughts later!

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